MO Vets Outdoors Turkey Season Raffle


21 in stock

35 Tickets at $40
MSRP: $735

HS Strut Lite
MSRP: $110

Solid Setup for turkey hunting! Bangstick can be picked up in Imperial Missouri with no transfer fees or can be shipped to the FFL of your choice at your expense. Drawing 04/01/25 or when raffle sells out. See full rules below.

21 in stock



  • A maximum of 35 tickets will be sold. Proceeds from all raffles are directly used to support the MO Vets Outdoors mission and to get veterans outdoors.
  • Tickets are $40 each and are non-refundable.
  • The raffle begins on 03/13/25 and ends on 04/01/25.
  • If fewer than 35 tickets are sold by 04/01/25 the drawing will be a 50/50 drawing, winner may also choose a “cash” option if they decide to forgo the raffle prize.
  • A live drawing will be held on 04/01/25. Winner will be selected via an online random number generator.  After the drawing MO Vets Outdoors will reach out via messaging and or phone to notify winner.
  • You must legally be able to possess and own a firearm to accept the weapon.
  • All ATF and state regulations will be applied. The winner must fill out all FFL forms
  • You can take possession of the prize at Imperial Shooting Sports and the FFL transfer will be done at no charge. You also have the option of shipping the winning firearm to any FFL dealer at your own expense. Winner is responsible for any taxes, transfer fees, or any other costs associated with the firearm if they are not able to take possession of the firearm at Imperial Shooting Sports.


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